
1. Location Tracking System for Indoor Environment, Inventors: Prasanjit Dey, Debashis De, Sourav Hati, Patent No: 465850, Application No: 201831030620, Granted: Nov 2023


1. Prasanjit Dey, Soumyabrata Dev, Bianca Schoen Phelan. “Predicting Multivariate Air Pollution: A Gaussian-Mixture Nested Factorial Variational Autoencoder Approach” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2024) (SCIE) (Q1) (Paper Link)

2. Prasanjit Dey, Soumyabrata Dev, Bianca Schoen Phelan. “CombineDeepNet: A Deep Network for Multi-Step Prediction of Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentration” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote (2024) (SCIE) (Q1) (Paper Link)

3. Prasanjit Dey, Bibhash Pran Das, Yee Hui Lee, Soumyabrata Dev. “NeSNet: A Deep Network for Estimating Near-surface Pollutant Concentrations.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote (2023) (SCIE) (Q1) (Paper Link)

4. Prasanjit Dey, S. K. Chaulya, and Sanjay Kumar. “Hybrid CNN-LSTM and IoT-based coal mine hazards monitoring and prediction system.” Process Safety and Environmental Protection 152 (2021): 249-263. (SCIE) (Q1) (Paper Link)

5. K. Kumari, Prasanjit Dey, Chandan Kumar, Dewangshu Pandit, S. S. Mishra, Vikash Kisku, S. K. Chaulya, S. K. Ray, and G. M. Prasad. “UMAP and LSTM based fire status and explosibility prediction for sealed-off area in underground coal mine.” Process Safety and Environmental Protection 146 (2021): 837-852. (SCIE) (Q1) (Paper Link)

6. Prasanjit Dey, K. Saurabh, Chandan Kumar, D. Pandit, Swades Kumar Chaulya, S. K. Ray, Girendra Mohan Prasad, and S. K. Mandal. “t-SNE and variational auto-encoder with a bi-LSTM neural network-based model for prediction of gas concentration in a sealed-off area of underground coal mines.” Soft Computing 25, no. 22 (2021): 14183-14207. (SCIE) (Paper Link)

7. Prasanjit Dey, Chandan Kumar, Mitrabarun Mitra, Richa Mishra, Swades Kumar Chaulya, Girendra Mohan Prasad, S. K. Mandal, and Gautam Banerjee. “Deep convolutional neural network based secure wireless voice communication for underground mines.” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, no. 10 (2021): 9591-9610. (Paper Link)

8. Prasanjit Dey, Swades Kumar Chaulya, and Sanjay Kumar. “Secure decision tree twin support vector machine training and classification process for encrypted IoT data via blockchain platform.” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33, no. 16 (2021): e6264. (SCIE) (Paper Link)

9. Sourav HAti, Prasanjit Dey, and Debashis De. “WLAN based energy efficient smart city design.” Microsystem Technologies 25, no. 5 (2019): 1599-1612. (SCI) (Paper Link)


1. Dey, Prasanjit, Soumyabrata Dev, and Bianca Schoen Phelan. “BiLSTM− BiGRU: A Fusion Deep Neural Network For Predicting Air Pollutant Concentration.” In IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, pp. 5166-5169. IEEE, 2023.(Paper Link)

2. Prasanjit Dey, Soumyabrata Dev, and Bianca Schoen-Phelan. “NeSDeepNet: A Fusion Framework for Multi-step Forecasting of Near-surface Air Pollutants.” In 2023 photonics & electromagnetics research symposium (PIERS), pp. 1826-1834. IEEE, 2023.(Paper Link)

3. Akrami, Neda, Yue Li, Prasanjit Dey, and Soumyabrata Dev. “Spatial-Temporal-TES: Reanalysis Dataset based Short-Term Temperature Forecasting System.” In 2023 IEEE 7th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), pp. 1763-1768. IEEE, 2023.(Paper Link)

4. Abdel Azeem Menatallah, Prasanjit Dey, and Soumyabrata Dev. “A Multidimensionality Reduction Approach to Rainfall Prediction.” In 2023 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 499-508. IEEE, 2023.(Paper Link)

5. Aditya Agarwal, Prasanjit Dey, and Sanjay Kumar. “Sentiment Analysis using Modified GRU.” In Proceedings of the 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing, pp. 356-361. 2022. (Paper Link)