Computer Vision

  • Vision Enhancement for Foggy Weather using Computer Vision (CSIR-CIMFR project): The project encompassed real-time image stitching using the OpenCV library, real-time vision enhancement algorithms, and real-time object detection using YOLO models.

Time series

  • Short-term Forecasting of Atmospheric Air Pollutants using Deep Neural Networks (PhD project): This project aims to forecast atmospheric air pollutants, monitor and identify pollu- tants using satellite data and image processing, and develop an early warning system for hazardous gases in open air.

  • Time-series data prediction using Deep Learning (NIT-Jamshedpur project): This project included the prediction of time-series data with satellite data and com- puter vision methodologies.


  • Digital Mine Using Internet of Things (IoT) (CSIR-CIMFR project): This project included modules for mine gas monitoring and prediction using deep learning, IoT-based miners tracking, strata monitoring and prediction, and machine health monitoring and prediction using deep learning.